Within the Critical Legal Studies, “justice” and “equality” are essentially interchangeable—they only seek to further their agenda. In fact, “The legal system, according to CLS, supports the status quo.” Therefore, rather than there being absolute standards, the CLS believes that the law is simply based on “certain peoples’ beliefs.” Due to this theory, they desire to undermine the law as it is used to “suppress” people. In Deuteronomy 10:17, equality is seen as “no partiality” such as between poverty stricken people or the rich. While justice in Jeremiah 22:3 is seen as “doing what is right” or “the act of being just.” The distinction between the words is significant in interpreting the Bible and for living in this world. The CLS attempts to legalize abortion or gay marriage by proclaiming this is displaying “true equality.” However, equality is showing no partiality. By desiring give homosexuals “special” privileges, does this not show partiality? The law promotes equality because it expects the same standards of living for all. By trying to limit the law, the CLS is actually promoting “favoritism” which is blatantly seen in their promotion of Feminism. Feminism is ALL about women. By bending over to all their “needs,” does this not display favoritism and promote women to a higher status than men? It’s ironic that in the article they discuss that is “justice” to have women be able to win rape cases easier. However, what about if it is a male rape case? Should just be able to say “I’ve been raped” and automatically win the case as they suggest is should be for women? This is not promotion justice or equality, merely the CLS’ agenda.
Christians are called to live justly. In Micah 6:8, it says, “And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy.” James 1:27 further displays how to place to into practice by revealing one should “look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” Obviously, by showing kindness to those in need and helping others, Christians are displaying justice. However, the second part of James is truly critical in understanding God’s plan for our lives—“Keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” It is easy to succumb to the world’s agenda, such as, the CLS because we are constantly bombarded with the messages of “justice for all” means “gay marriage is legal.” In fact, just this past week I had a discussion with a Christian individual about this! As Christians, we know that God is Just. And our Just God tells us that gay marriage is NOT okay. So obviously, gay marriage is NOT just. It should be very simple. If we deduct who God’s character tells us who He is to be, and then follow His word, we should recognize the lies of society. It’s when we take our eyes off God and forget who He is, that we fall into Satan’s traps and end up believing foolish lies such as “abortion is justice.” Since justice can be defined as doing what is right, is not upholding The Righteous God’s law the correct thing to do? Further, we know God does not show partiality (Deut. 10:17). Therefore, it is evident people are not born homosexuals because that would mean He is showing partiality to heterosexuals. As Christians, this should be enough evidence to disprove any “scientific evidence” which may try to convince otherwise. God is not asking homosexuals anything different than he is asking of all mankind. In fact, he is trying to protect them from the harmful effects of homosexual relationships, such as AIDS and emotional dissatisfaction. It’s important for Christians to be in the word of God to live justly because ultimate justice is found in who God is. As for equality, God warns not to be kinder to the wealthy than the poor. He reminds us that all human beings are made in His image, and we called to treat them all with love. However, in my opinion, if you truly love someone you will tell them the truth. While you should love homosexuals because they are human beings, love does not mean promoting what is wrong, but rather sharing them the truth of Jesus Christ and setting them free from captivity. If you truly love someone you would not leave them ignorant to what could save them. If someone you knew was dying of cancer, would you withhold the cure?