Monday, March 21, 2011


Teenagers who become mothers do have a grim future. They are most likely not going to finish school, give their children proper care, they will rely upon public help, and usually end up getting divorced or not even married in the first place. I fail to see how this even relates to the argument. I mean, so what? First of all, this is NOT always the case. In fact, 7 out of 10 teenage mothers finish high school or earn a G.E.D. which makes it a 70% chance, which is considered passing. But this still does not address the issue.
The public victimizes the teenage girl, but what they fail to address that is was the girl’s choice to have sex! Granted, she may not have “wanted” to get pregnant, but when having sex, she made the choice that it was a risk she willing to take. And consequently, if she was willing to have sex in the first place, she should willingly accept the result of her decision. This is the reason Americans are so lazy is because they deny responsibility for their actions! Every action has a reaction. If someone kills your wife, do you not expect them to be put in jail or get some form of punishment? Likewise, if a teenage chooses to be sexually promiscuous before they are married, they are risking their future, as well as the care of their child. But does that make it right to allow them to kill a child in order to have a “better future?” If I think killing the president will help me have a “better future,” is that “okay?” Absolutely not! Abortionists fail to address the real issue. They make claims which are occasionally legitimate, but in no way relate to whether abortion should be legal or not! In addition, this information only proves that teenagers and people should wait to have sex until marriage because studies do show that children raised in a loving marriage relationship tend to do better, and then there is no risk for the girl not to be able to finish school.
The other argument is that perhaps it was not the girl’s decision, and she was raped. While this is tragic, it is a result of our fallen world. But do two wrongs make a right? Does killing a child correct the sin committed through rape? Absolutely not! Also, statists show that rape abortions are as few as 1 in 1,000 (Alcorn) making this not even a huge factor. What about the other 999 teenagers who chose to commit their sexual actions?
While these issues stated are very real for teenage mothers, this in no way legitimizes abortion. It truly reveals that teenagers are not mature enough to raise children and are not in the right position to. If a girl is not ready to have a child and all the responsibilities that come with it, she is not ready to have sex!

1 comment:

  1. Christina, you started to address the issue, then got sidetracked. Remember, simplify the debate, it all boils down to one question, what is the unborn? everything else is irrelevant. 34/40
