Feminism is the current trend sweeping the nation of America. Unfortunately, unlike other "bigger" issues, Feminism is often ignored and not talked about in churches--in fact, women preachers is a growing trend, too. I think Christians should respond to Feminism by speaking truth against it and calling it what it really is. Feminism is essentially idoltry. It is saying to the Creator of the Universe, "I do not like the role you gave me, so I'm going to do soemthing different." Feminism is a woman making herself God--thinking she knows what it best for her.
When God created Adam and Eve, He made them both in His image and with the same big picture purpose on life. However, He made them to carry out their jobs differently so as to most utilize their unique dreams and abilities. God made man to be "little king." (Gen. 2) He created within His nature a sense of leadership and "Warrior Spirit" different from what is within women. So when a women tries to be "the leader," she is taking away from the man's role! Not only is she affecting her own life, but Feminism is hurting the men all around, too. Therefore, Feminism is extremely selfish. It's not only denying God his perfect character, but it is also stealing from men what God rightfully ordained as theirs.
Further, Feminism does NOT bring satisfaction. Christians need to declare this truth loudly. So many women pursue a "Feministic" lifestyle because either 1. They are sick of being hurt by boys (yes, hurt) or 2. They think it bring them fulfillment. For number one, though Feminist's will adamently deny this, it is true. Men have hurt them so they want to take control. It's never truly because they feel "oppressed" or they are immune to what men think--no, it is simply because at some point or another they have been HURT by men. This can be solved by simply by "where are you as a woman placing your priorities?" Hurt is often caused by placing too much value on a person. No one's opinion should rule your life but Jesus Christ. Therefore, Feminism is not freeing women from men, it is proving simply how chained they are to them and how they have allowed their opinion or harrasment to change them. For the second reason, it is much more simple. ONLY JESUS CAN BRING FULFILLMENT. This goes for everything, but especially in the case of Feminism. Christians are often to eager to ignore the Feminism movement or condemn it, but what they really need to do is respond in LOVE--pointing out the lies of Feminism by shedding the truth of the Bible on it.
Christina, I appreciated your first point about idolatry, well put. 24/25